Data source: The U.S. Department of Justice · About: https://github.com/simonw/fara-history
180 rows where City = "Philadelphia"
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Suggested facets: Address_2, Short_Form_Termination_Date (date), Registration_Date (date)
Registration_Number >30
- Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 48
- Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 19
- Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn & Dilks 17
- Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 16
- Globe Travel Service 14
- AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 7
- Gray & Rogers, Inc. 6
- Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 5
- Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC 5
- Pennsylvania Company for Banking & Trusts 3
- Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company 3
- Public Relations, Ltd. 3
- Compton Advertising, Inc. 3
- Tayoun, Joseph John 3
- ACM Worldwide, Ltd. 3
- Friedmann, Eric 2
- Rawle & Henderson 2
- Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. 2
- Spiro & Associates, Inc. 2
- David Berger, P.A. 2
- Gallagher, John J. 2
- Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC 2
- Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC 2
- Alexander, Raymond Pace 1
- Polish-American Travel Service 1
- Jamaica Tourist Board, Philadelphia 1
- Sommers/Rosen, Inc. 1
- Goebel, Chilton G., Jr. 1
- McLaughlin & Morgan, Inc. 1
- Rancourt, Karolyn T. 1
- …
Registrant_Name >30
- Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 48
- Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 19
- Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn & Dilks 17
- Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 16
- Globe Travel Service 14
- AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 7
- Gray & Rogers, Inc. 6
- Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC 5
- Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 5
- Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC 4
- ACM Worldwide, Ltd. 3
- Compton Advertising, Inc. 3
- Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company 3
- Pennsylvania Company for Banking & Trusts 3
- Public Relations, Ltd. 3
- Tayoun, Joseph John 3
- David Berger, P.A. 2
- Friedmann, Eric 2
- Gallagher, John J. 2
- Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. 2
- Rawle & Henderson 2
- Spiro & Associates, Inc. 2
- Alexander, Raymond Pace 1
- Bokhari, Raza 1
- Goebel, Chilton G., Jr. 1
- Jamaica Tourist Board, Philadelphia 1
- McLaughlin & Morgan, Inc. 1
- Polish-American Travel Service 1
- Rancourt, Karolyn T. 1
- Sommers/Rosen, Inc. 1
- …
State 1
- PA 180
City 1
- Philadelphia · 180 ✖
Link | rowid ▼ | Short_Form_Termination_Date | Short_Form_Date | Short_Form_Last_Name | Short_Form_First_Name | Registration_Number | Registration_Date | Registrant_Name | Address_1 | Address_2 | City | State | Zip |
2162 | 2162 | 2022-11-12 | Mach | George Edward James | Unique Solution Advisors 7191 | 2022-11-12 | Unique Solution Advisors | 2531 West Girard Avenue | Unit 3 | Philadelphia | PA | 19130 | |
3150 | 3150 | 1967-01-04 | 1960-01-07 | Friedmann | Rochelle | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company 1304 | 1959-12-07 | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company | 1105 Friendship Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19111 | |
3151 | 3151 | 1967-01-04 | 1964-09-21 | Berensmann | Hanns-Peter | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company 1304 | 1959-12-07 | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company | 1105 Friendship Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19111 | |
3188 | 3188 | 1999-01-04 | 1989-02-17 | Heath | Charles S. | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 4217 | 1989-02-17 | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing | Eight Penn Center | 19th Floor, Suite 1950 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
3225 | 3225 | 1983-01-05 | 1978-07-06 | Gray | Jerome | Compton Advertising, Inc. 2925 | 1978-07-06 | Compton Advertising, Inc. | 1819 John F. Kennedy Boulevard | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
3226 | 3226 | 1983-01-05 | 1978-07-06 | Gray | Thelma | Compton Advertising, Inc. 2925 | 1978-07-06 | Compton Advertising, Inc. | 1819 John F. Kennedy Boulevard | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
3227 | 3227 | 1983-01-05 | 1978-07-06 | Gruver | C. Robert | Compton Advertising, Inc. 2925 | 1978-07-06 | Compton Advertising, Inc. | 1819 John F. Kennedy Boulevard | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
3808 | 3808 | 1999-01-15 | 1996-07-01 | Milano | Karen J. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
4085 | 4085 | 1973-01-19 | 1972-04-13 | Richmond | Curt | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
4911 | 4911 | 1962-01-31 | 1958-08-25 | Freedman | Jean | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
6212 | 6212 | 2023-02-05 | 2011-02-15 | Bokhari | Raza | Bokhari, Raza 6018 | 2011-02-15 | Bokhari, Raza | 1717 Arch Street | 39th Floor | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
7060 | 7060 | 1983-02-16 | 1981-09-23 | Sommers | Allen | Sommers/Rosen, Inc. 3276 | 1981-09-23 | Sommers/Rosen, Inc. | 1405 Locust Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
7476 | 7476 | 1995-02-23 | 1994-05-06 | Helfrich | Jacqueline Anne | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
7577 | 7577 | 1960-02-25 | 1959-10-14 | Graczyk | Ludwik | Polish-American Travel Service 1262 | 1959-08-28 | Polish-American Travel Service | 2714 East Allegheny Avenue | Philadelphia | PA | ||
7726 | 7726 | 1999-02-26 | 1997-01-16 | Horan | Michael F. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
8147 | 8147 | 2001-02-28 | 1998-10-30 | Berge | Pauline C. | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 4217 | 1989-02-17 | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing | Eight Penn Center | 19th Floor, Suite 1950 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
8284 | 8284 | 2015-02-28 | 2015-02-09 | Feldman | Dennis | Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC 6266 | 2014-12-19 | Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC | 1525 Locust Street, 6th Floor | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
8806 | 8806 | 1996-03-01 | 1995-06-19 | Ryan | M. Martha | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
8975 | 8975 | 2000-03-02 | 1997-07-11 | Butler | R. Mark | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
9250 | 9250 | 1998-03-06 | 1994-12-22 | Zartarian | Stephen K. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
9509 | 9509 | 1981-03-09 | 1979-03-30 | Berger | Danierl | David Berger, P.A. 3009 | 1979-03-30 | David Berger, P.A. | 1622 Locust Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
9510 | 9510 | 1981-03-09 | 1979-03-30 | Berger | David | David Berger, P.A. 3009 | 1979-03-30 | David Berger, P.A. | 1622 Locust Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
9897 | 9897 | 1964-03-15 | 1959-12-07 | Schmitt | Albert Richard | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company 1304 | 1959-12-07 | Friedmann Radio Broadcasting & Advertising Company | 1105 Friendship Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19111 | |
10396 | 10396 | 2008-03-20 | 2005-10-28 | Persia | Dana | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 5614 | 2004-03-25 | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. | 100 Independence Mall West | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 | |
10476 | 10476 | 2005-03-21 | 2004-03-25 | Allmayer | Bernard | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 5614 | 2004-03-25 | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. | 100 Independence Mall West | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 | |
10527 | 10527 | 2001-03-22 | 2000-12-18 | Myers | Laurence | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
10546 | 10546 | 1960-03-23 | 1948-02-16 | Bellia | Harry J. | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10547 | 10547 | 1960-03-23 | 1948-02-16 | Freedman | David | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10548 | 10548 | 1960-03-23 | 1948-02-16 | Rifkin | Maurice | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10549 | 10549 | 1960-03-23 | 1958-03-20 | Kachnykewych | Taras | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10550 | 10550 | 1960-03-23 | 1958-04-16 | Freedman | Jean | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10551 | 10551 | 1960-03-23 | 1958-04-16 | Rifkin | Lillian | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10552 | 10552 | 1960-03-23 | 1958-04-16 | Rohatynskyj | Peter | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10553 | 10553 | 1960-03-23 | 1958-04-16 | Rosenberg | Israel | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10554 | 10554 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Adomonis | John | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10555 | 10555 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Biloskursky | Mike | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10556 | 10556 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Juodvalkis | Anastasia | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10557 | 10557 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Juodvalkis | S.P. | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10558 | 10558 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Kuczewski | Thaddeus | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10559 | 10559 | 1960-03-23 | 1957-06-24 | Lyons | Norman | Globe Travel Service 512 | 1948-02-16 | Globe Travel Service | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | ||
10703 | 10703 | 2000-03-24 | 1997-07-07 | Finamore | Andrea J. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
10855 | 10855 | 1978-03-27 | 1975-01-29 | Daccarett | Edward | Jamaica Tourist Board, Philadelphia 2556 | 1975-01-29 | Jamaica Tourist Board, Philadelphia | 2 Penn Center Plaza | Suite 1604 | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 |
14810 | 14810 | 1999-04-30 | 1995-06-19 | Cohen | Barry | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
15760 | 15760 | 1995-05-05 | 1994-05-06 | Vittolino | Salvatore P. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
16530 | 16530 | 2008-05-16 | 2003-05-02 | Rancourt | Karolyn T. | Rancourt, Karolyn T. 5559 | 2003-05-02 | Rancourt, Karolyn T. | 1648 South Orkney Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19148 | |
16841 | 16841 | 2014-05-21 | 2013-12-12 | Brandsdorfer | Louis | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
17522 | 17522 | 2014-05-30 | 2013-06-20 | Yarrow | Steven | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
18418 | 18418 | 1976-06-01 | 1976-01-17 | Adams | Wayne W. | Public Relations, Ltd. 2709 | 1976-07-17 | Public Relations, Ltd. | 3 Parkway | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
18419 | 18419 | 1976-06-01 | 1976-01-17 | Rubin | Lawrence D. | Public Relations, Ltd. 2709 | 1976-07-17 | Public Relations, Ltd. | 3 Parkway | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
18420 | 18420 | 1976-06-01 | 1976-01-17 | Weiner | Warren | Public Relations, Ltd. 2709 | 1976-07-17 | Public Relations, Ltd. | 3 Parkway | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
18775 | 18775 | 2010-06-03 | 2004-03-25 | Peretz | Michael | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 5614 | 2004-03-25 | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. | 100 Independence Mall West | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 | |
19315 | 19315 | 2009-06-12 | 2009-03-13 | Hill | James | Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC 5918 | 2009-03-13 | Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC | 30 South 17th Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | |
19496 | 19496 | 1966-06-15 | 1958-08-25 | Weresh | Wasyl | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19509 | 19509 | 1971-06-15 | 1958-08-25 | Kuczewski | Thaddeus | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19691 | 19691 | 2000-06-16 | 1999-06-29 | Dzwill | Eileen | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
19740 | 19740 | 1977-06-17 | 1975-06-06 | Lawrence | Gordon G. | Spiro & Associates, Inc. 2545 | 1974-11-04 | Spiro & Associates, Inc. | Chestnut East Building | 841 Chestnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
19741 | 19741 | 1977-06-17 | 1974-11-04 | Sherman | Martin | Spiro & Associates, Inc. 2545 | 1974-11-04 | Spiro & Associates, Inc. | Chestnut East Building | 841 Chestnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
19818 | 19818 | 1999-06-18 | 1994-12-22 | Vaughan-Gowen | Deborah | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
19946 | 19946 | 2014-06-20 | 2013-12-12 | Gentieu | Valerie | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
19965 | 19965 | 1988-06-21 | 1971-05-20 | Yamanov | Peter | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19966 | 19966 | 1988-06-21 | 1978-08-21 | Yamonov | Elisabeth | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19967 | 19967 | 1988-06-21 | 1958-08-25 | Rifkin | Lillian K. | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19968 | 19968 | 1988-06-21 | 1958-08-25 | Rifkin | Maurice | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19969 | 19969 | 1988-06-21 | 1958-08-25 | Rohatynskyj | Peter | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
19970 | 19970 | 1988-06-21 | 1973-11-01 | Schmidt | Mary M. | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. 1164 | 1958-08-25 | Globe Parcel Service, Inc. | 716 Walnut Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19106 | |
20329 | 20329 | 2015-06-26 | 2015-05-18 | Moga | Katelyn M. | Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC 6266 | 2014-12-19 | Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, LLC | 1525 Locust Street, 6th Floor | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
21362 | 21362 | 2000-06-30 | 1999-06-29 | Masse | Jennifer J. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21375 | 21375 | 2001-06-30 | 1996-01-02 | Cintron | Ana M. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21376 | 21376 | 2001-06-30 | 2000-01-10 | Spratlin | Jon | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21377 | 21377 | 2001-06-30 | 1997-01-16 | Placido | Peter A. , Jr. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21384 | 21384 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Brandsdorfer | Louis | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21385 | 21385 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Evans | John M. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21386 | 21386 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Hennessy | Brian J. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21387 | 21387 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Kneisel | William J. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21388 | 21388 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Lefton | Al Paul , Jr. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21389 | 21389 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Nunez | Nurisell | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21390 | 21390 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Orr | John H. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21391 | 21391 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Peretz | Michael | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21392 | 21392 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Russakoff | Claire C. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21393 | 21393 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Scanlon | Raymond D. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21394 | 21394 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Sharkey | Darlene M. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21395 | 21395 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Spross | Theresa Marie | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21396 | 21396 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Waters | David Bruce | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21397 | 21397 | 2001-06-30 | 1994-05-06 | Yarrow | Steven E. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21400 | 21400 | 2001-06-30 | 2001-06-12 | Fong | Mary Ann | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21401 | 21401 | 2001-06-30 | 1995-06-19 | Talbot | James E. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
21420 | 21420 | 2001-06-30 | 1998-12-21 | Ditton | Jill | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
23302 | 23302 | 2005-07-15 | 2004-03-25 | Kneisel | William J. | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. 5614 | 2004-03-25 | Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. | 100 Independence Mall West | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 | |
23742 | 23742 | 1998-07-21 | 1994-10-04 | Coote | Marian K. Florence | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 4217 | 1989-02-17 | Government of Dubai, Dept. of Tourism & Commerce Marketing | Eight Penn Center | 19th Floor, Suite 1950 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
23834 | 23834 | 1965-07-23 | 1964-07-24 | Dilks | Walter Howard , Jr. | Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn & Dilks 1775 | 1964-07-24 | Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn & Dilks | 2635 Fidelity-Philadelphia | Trust Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19109 |
23936 | 23936 | 1999-07-23 | 1997-01-16 | Michaud | Anne E. | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
24997 | 24997 | 2001-07-31 | 1999-10-28 | Muldowney | Laura C. | Gallagher, John J. 5336 | 1999-10-28 | Gallagher, John J. | 1760 Market Street | Suite 1100 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
25220 | 25220 | 2014-07-31 | 2011-05-24 | Orr | John H. | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
25233 | 25233 | 2014-07-31 | 2013-06-20 | Foster | Stephanie A. | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
25234 | 25234 | 2014-07-31 | 2013-06-20 | Talbot | James B. | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
25257 | 25257 | 2014-07-31 | 2013-12-12 | Waters | D. Bruce | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC 6043 | 2011-05-24 | AB&C Philadelphia, LLC | 125 South 9th Street | Suite 801 | Philadelphia | PA | 19107 |
25779 | 25779 | 1966-08-02 | 1965-12-06 | Rosenfeld | Lawrence Mark | Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. 1943 | 1965-12-06 | Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. | 1428 South Penn Square | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
25780 | 25780 | 1966-08-02 | 1965-12-06 | Smith | Kenneth G. , Sr. | Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. 1943 | 1965-12-06 | Kenneth G. Smith & Associates, Inc. | 1428 South Penn Square | Philadelphia | PA | 19102 | |
27592 | 27592 | 1996-08-28 | 1995-06-19 | LaBranche | Angelique | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. 4912 | 1994-05-06 | Al Paul Lefton Company, Inc. | 100 Independence Mall, West | Rohm & Haas Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19106-2399 |
28373 | 28373 | 2000-08-31 | 1999-10-28 | Leventant | Williams | Gallagher, John J. 5336 | 1999-10-28 | Gallagher, John J. | 1760 Market Street | Suite 1100 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [FARA_All_ShortForms] ( [Short_Form_Termination_Date] TEXT, [Short_Form_Date] TEXT, [Short_Form_Last_Name] TEXT, [Short_Form_First_Name] TEXT, [Registration_Number] INTEGER, [Registration_Date] TEXT, [Registrant_Name] TEXT, [Address_1] TEXT, [Address_2] TEXT, [City] TEXT, [State] TEXT, [Zip] TEXT, FOREIGN KEY([Registration_Number]) REFERENCES [FARA_All_Registrants]([Registration_Number]) );