Data source: The U.S. Department of Justice · About: https://github.com/simonw/fara-history
16 rows where Foreign_Principal = "Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd."
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Suggested facets: Foreign_Principal_Termination_Date, Registrant_Date, Address_1, Foreign_Principal_Termination_Date (date), Registrant_Date (date)
Registrant_Name 16
- Clark, Robert A. 1
- Cutmore, Ross H. 1
- Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, L.L.P. 1
- Hudson, Gerry B. 1
- Kissick, William J. 1
- Lucenti, Gary S. 1
- MacNamara, Dr. John 1
- Marlowe, Howard D. 1
- Melville, James T. 1
- Nixon, Peter 1
- Pack, Allan Scott 1
- Pack, Allen Scott 1
- Pagonis & Donnelly Group, Inc. 1
- Robertson, Robert N. 1
- Rogers & Wells, LLP 1
- de Korte, Derek M. 1
State 1
- - 16
Foreign_Principal 1
- Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. · 16 ✖
Country/Location_Represented 1
City 1
- - 16
Link | rowid ▼ | Foreign_Principal_Termination_Date | Foreign_Principal | Foreign_Principal_Registration_Date | Country/Location_Represented | Registration_Number | Registrant_Date | Registrant_Name | Address_1 | Address_2 | City | State | Zip |
1220 | 1220 | 1993-01-11 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1992-05-13 | CANADA | Rogers & Wells, LLP 3428 | 1982-12-10 | Rogers & Wells, LLP | Ontario | ||||
2011 | 2011 | 1985-02-01 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-07-26 | CANADA | Pack, Allan Scott 3606 | 1984-07-26 | Pack, Allan Scott | Ontario | ||||
2035 | 2035 | 1990-02-01 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1985-10-18 | CANADA | Pagonis & Donnelly Group, Inc. 3692 | 1985-06-20 | Pagonis & Donnelly Group, Inc. | Sault Ste. Marie,Ont | ||||
2591 | 2591 | 1988-02-16 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1987-05-19 | CANADA | Lucenti, Gary S. 3982 | 1987-05-19 | Lucenti, Gary S. | Ontario | ||||
2881 | 2881 | 1990-02-27 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-03-14 | CANADA | MacNamara, Dr. John 3569 | 1984-03-14 | MacNamara, Dr. John | Ontario | ||||
5739 | 5739 | 1987-04-29 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1986-04-29 | CANADA | Clark, Robert A. 3822 | 1986-04-29 | Clark, Robert A. | Ontario | ||||
6359 | 6359 | 1985-05-06 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-05-01 | CANADA | Marlowe, Howard D. 3580 | 1984-05-01 | Marlowe, Howard D. | Ontario | ||||
8166 | 8166 | 1990-06-29 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1985-01-24 | CANADA | Kissick, William J. 3644 | 1985-01-24 | Kissick, William J. | Ontario | ||||
8451 | 8451 | 1990-06-30 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-01-17 | CANADA | Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, L.L.P. 3452 | 1983-03-17 | Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, L.L.P. | Ontario | ||||
8452 | 8452 | 1990-06-30 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-03-14 | CANADA | Melville, James T. 3570 | 1984-03-14 | Melville, James T. | Ontario | ||||
8453 | 8453 | 1990-06-30 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1984-06-21 | CANADA | Nixon, Peter 3598 | 1984-06-21 | Nixon, Peter | Ontario | ||||
12017 | 12017 | 1990-09-30 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1985-09-27 | CANADA | Pack, Allen Scott 3741 | 1985-09-27 | Pack, Allen Scott | Ontario | ||||
14076 | 14076 | 1987-11-19 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1987-05-19 | CANADA | Cutmore, Ross H. 3981 | 1987-05-19 | Cutmore, Ross H. | Ontario | ||||
14077 | 14077 | 1987-11-19 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1987-05-19 | CANADA | Robertson, Robert N. 3983 | 1987-05-19 | Robertson, Robert N. | Ontario | ||||
16230 | 16230 | 1992-12-31 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1992-05-13 | CANADA | de Korte, Derek M. 4664 | 1992-05-13 | de Korte, Derek M. | Ontario | ||||
16231 | 16231 | 1992-12-31 | Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd. | 1992-05-13 | CANADA | Hudson, Gerry B. 4665 | 1992-05-13 | Hudson, Gerry B. | Ontario |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [FARA_All_ForeignPrincipals] ( [Foreign_Principal_Termination_Date] TEXT, [Foreign_Principal] TEXT, [Foreign_Principal_Registration_Date] TEXT, [Country/Location_Represented] TEXT, [Registration_Number] INTEGER, [Registrant_Date] TEXT, [Registrant_Name] TEXT, [Address_1] TEXT, [Address_2] TEXT, [City] TEXT, [State] TEXT, [Zip] TEXT, FOREIGN KEY([Registration_Number]) REFERENCES [FARA_All_Registrants]([Registration_Number]) );